The Alliance Pipeline system transports liquids rich natural gas from northeastern British Columbia, northwestern Alberta and north-central North Dakota, running underground through BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan, North Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, and terminating in Illinois, the heart of the U.S. Midwest. Alliance delivers approximately 1.6 billion standard cubic feet per day of natural gas to the Chicago market.
- 338 kilometres (km) of 1,067 millimetre (mm) diameter and 1,221 km of 914 mm diameter pipe
- 7 mainline compressor stations
- Maximum Canadian operating pressure: 12,017 kilopascals (kPa)
United States:
- 887 miles of NPS 36 (36-inch diameter) pipe
- 7 mainline compressor stations
- Maximum U.S. operating pressure: 1,935 pounds per square inch (psi)
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