Environmentally responsible operations are integral to Alliance’s core values. We strive to minimize our environmental footprint through effective operations, ongoing pipeline monitoring and inspections, and employee and contractor training.
Various tools and practices have been developed in order to integrate our environmental commitment into our daily decisions and operations activities.
Protection Planning and Impacts Monitoring
As part of our Environmental Management System, we assess our operations to look for ways to minimize adverse impacts to air, land, water and wildlife. Mitigative and contingency plans are developed to ensure we meet or exceed applicable government regulations and industry best practices.
Land and Water Management
We actively monitor our pipeline right-of-way and watercourse crossings for erosion events and vegetation cover. Our waste and spill prevention plans for new construction, maintenance projects, and facility site operations help us ensure appropriate waste disposal and ensure we are prepared to respond quickly to any incidents.
Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Management
Alliance’s pipelines are still relatively new and the best proven technology of the day is incorporated into the design of the system, including low emissions compressor stations. Our pipeline system boasts higher fuel efficiency and lower levels of air contaminants and greenhouse gas emissions than conventional North American pipelines. Our Emissions Monitoring Program ensures that our compressor stations maintain this high level of performance and that emissions comply with industry regulations.
Through the transportation of cleaner burning natural gas fuel to Canadian and US markets using modern pipeline technology, Alliance contributes to the North American effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
In addition, through our partnership with NRGreen Power, we recover the exhaust heat from the natural gas turbines at each of our four Saskatchewan compressor stations and convert it into electricity produced with no new greenhouse gas or other emissions.