Safe Digging Awareness Month

Safety matters

April Is Safe Digging Awareness Month.
April is designated as Safe Digging Awareness Month in Canada and the United States; however, safe digging is important all year. Make sure to always know what’s below the ground before conducting any digging or excavation activities. To ensure your safety and to protect vital underground utilities, it is crucial to always “Call or Click before Digging”.

Whether you live or work in a remote rural area, or in a city, underground utilities are always present. Any activity that creates ground disturbances over one foot (30 centimetres) deep requires a call to your local one call center at least two business days in advance. This includes installing posts for decks, dugouts, preparing driveways, planting trees and certain types of farming activities likeinstalling drain tile and deep plowing.

Dig Safe

Play it safe: call or click before you dig.

Alliance is a proud partner in promoting April Safe Digging Awareness Month.



Calls to your local One-Call Centre are free.

In Canada
(72 hours in adv​ance)

Click Before You Dig

In the US
(2 business days in advance)

811 logo

North Dakota One Call

Minnesota Gopher State One Call

Iowa One Call

JULIE (Illinois One Call System)

You can also dial 811 to be redirected to the One-Call centre in your area.